- PVC Pipe Amp kits: Parts-wise, I expect I can make about 7 kits, but the assembly instruction manual is not ready as of today. I also need to buy materials for the wooden bases.
- Cigar-Box Drum Things: Seven of them are ready to go, except I didn’t take photos yet.
- Tubulum plans are ready. Still on the back-burner: Paddles to play it with! We’ve been using foam sandals, which work really well, but, well, they’re sandals! We don’t plan to make kits for the Tubulum, because it would be too heavy to ship and you can buy all the parts at your local home improvement store.
- Guitar pedals: Vacuum tube and other guitar pedals are in the works.
- Clocks: S/N 1, 2, and 3 are basically ready, except for videos on how to set the time (it’s easy, and it’s described in the instruction sheet). I want to shrink the PCBs down for the next batch, but they function really well.
Month: January 2019
Hello everyone!
Hi everyone! We’re up and running on the web finally! It’ll take a while to get the site up and looking good, so bear with us!